Prune and Pre-Script doesn't work?

stefan    Sep 19 2:02AM 2017

Hi there,

i use a pre-backup script to prune my old backups. So the script is under /opt/verticalbackup/.verticalbackup/scripts/ I have give the script the correct rights with "chmod +x".

So the script will not run at the start of my cron backup.

Here are the logs:

So i run the Script manually and i get over hours this:

Vertical Backup 1.1.2 Storage set to s No previous fossil collections found

The pre-backup script: #!/bin/sh /opt/verticalbackup/vertical prune -k 0:3 --exhaustive --exclusive

the cron backup command: /opt/verticalbackup/vertical backup --email

All this run directly under ESXi 6.5 (Free).


stefan    Sep 19 5:03AM 2017

Ah, after two Hours the Script startet manually. So my old Backups will be deleted.

Only the Problem that the script doest'nt start automatically.

gchen    Sep 19 11:33AM 2017

The script should be named pre-backup, without the '.sh' extension.

I changed your Display Name (which I admit is a very confusing term). Let me know if you want a different one.

stefan    Sep 20 12:53AM 2017

It works great! Thanks!!! Best backup software for the free ESXi :-) Next month you get some money ;-)

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